Green Hill Solar Farm

Feedback form

Feedback questionnaire

Please complete and return this feedback form on the proposals for Green Hill Solar Farm by Thursday 19 December 2024.

About Green Hill Solar Farm

Green Hill Solar Farm Limited, part of Island Green Power (IGP), is bringing forward proposed plans for a solar farm and battery storage on land, located to the west and south of Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, and north of Milton Keynes.

If approved, Green Hill Solar Farm (the “Scheme”) could generate a power output of approximately 500 megawatts (MW), enough to power approximately 115,000 households annually. The energy storage element of the Scheme will help store surplus renewable generation and supply it to the national grid when needed.

How to provide feedback

Please use this feedback questionnaire to provide your response as part of this consultation. You do not have to answer all of the questions in this questionnaire, and if you wish to make any other comments on the Scheme there is space set aside at the end.

If you would like help completing this questionnaire, or information about our proposals you can:

Call us on: 0800 012 9882

Email us at:

Visit our website:

The statutory consultation runs from Thursday 7 November 2024 until 23:59 on Thursday 19 December 2024. It is important you submit your feedback to us before the closing date, so that it can be considered in our proposals.

Section 1: About you

You do not have to supply personal details; however if you do, it will enable us to contact you regarding your feedback if necessary.

Your personal details will be stored in compliance with GDPR by Copper Consultancy, acting on behalf of Island Green Power, and will not be shared with any third parties.

The project’s privacy policy can be viewed via the website.


First name:*




Age range:



Please tick if you would like to receive email updates regarding the project following this statutory consultation.

Please note, email updates are sent by the community relations team: (Copper Consultancy, on behalf of Green Hill Solar Farm).

* Mandatory field

How would you describe your interest in our proposals?

Please tick all that apply

If you have named an organisation above, please confirm this below, ensuring you have the authorisation to do so.

Section 2: General questions

1. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Climate change is an important issue

Energy security is an important issue

Moving away from fossil fuel use for electricity generation is important

The UK needs more renewable energy

The UK needs more energy storage

Please tell us the reasons for your responses to question 1 and any other comments.

2. Please tell us your views on solar energy.

Please tell us the reasons for your responses to question 2 and any other comments.

3. Please tell us your views on solar farms as part of the renewable infrastructure needed to meet the UK Government’s commitment to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050?

Please tell us the reasons for your responses to question 3 and any other comments.

Section 3: Views on the project proposals

4. Based on the information presented as part of the statutory consultation, how supportive are you of our proposals for Green Hill Solar Farm?

Please tell us the reasons for your response to question 4 and indicate if you have a comment on a specific site (e.g. Sites Green Hill A–G and Green Hill BESS).

Section 4: Design proposals

5. Below we outline the design principles guiding the Green Hill Solar Farm scheme. Please let us know which of them are most important to you by ticking the relevant boxes below.

Green Hill Solar Farm will be designed with the aim of being in harmony with the surrounding natural and built environment.

We are committed to mitigating impacts and minimising adverse effects on the environment throughout the Scheme’s lifespan including at decommissioning.

We will create new habitats and improve biodiversity. Soil will be restored to as good, if not better quality, by the end of the Scheme’s lifespan.

The Scheme will be designed to be flexible so it can adapt over time, responding to new technologies and climate change.

We will design the Scheme so that it has reduced impact on air quality, traffic, noise and safeguards the health and safety of local residents.

We will be sensitive to local heritage and create buffers with landscape screening to protect the landscape – including built and natural environment.

We will work in collaboration with stakeholders to promote and protect responsible land use.

We will prioritise keeping public rights of way open and undisrupted throughout the project’s life. Where possible, we will enhance local walking routes and paths.

Do you have any comments on the design principles?

6. What environmental issues relating to the proposals are most important to you? Please tick the relevant boxes below.

Please tell us the reasons for your response to question 6.

7. Do you have any comments based on the key elements of the indicative masterplans?

Section 6: Cable route corridor

8. Do you have any comments based on the proposed routing of the cable route corridor?

Section 7: Construction, operation and decommissioning

9. Please provide comments on our assessments relating to the potential effects during the construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of Green Hill Solar Farm.

10. How would you like to be kept up to date during the construction, operation and decommission of Green Hill Solar Farm?

Section 8: Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR)

11. Transport: Please provide your comments on our proposed access routes to the sites.

12. Transport: Are there any sensitivities along the local road network that we should be aware of? Please provide your comments using the space below.

13. Visual impact: Please share any comments on our assessment of the potential effects of the solar farm on the landscape and views, as well as on the measures we propose to mitigate these impacts.

Section 9: Community benefits

14. Do you have any suggestions on what community benefits could be delivered as part of the Green Hill Solar Farm project?

Section 10: Other comments

15. Do you have any other comments on the information presented on Green Hill Solar Farm?

16. Do you have any comments or suggestions on the public consultation on Green Hill Solar Farm?

17. Please let us know how you heard about the consultation by ticking one or more of the following boxes:

18. Did you attend our face-to-face or online consultation events?

19. Please rate the information included as part of this consultation in terms of how clearly it was presented and how easy it was to understand.

Additional space for feedback

What happens next?

We will review and have regard for the feedback we receive during the statutory consultation period.

Feedback we receive will be submitted as part of our planning application in a Consultation Report. The Consultation Report will set out how the feedback from the statutory consultation has shaped and influenced the final proposals. It will become available on our website after feedback is reviewed from statutory consultation.

If you would like this document in large text or an alternative format, please contact us.

Data Privacy Notice

Any personal details will be held securely and only used for purposes in connection with the consultation prescribed in the Planning Act 2008 and the development of Green Hill Solar Farm. Outside of these purposes, the Applicant may be required to provide personal details if specifically requested as part of an Environmental Information Regulations request or if the Planning Inspectorate requests copies of the original responses.

For further details, please see the Green Hill Solar Farm privacy notice at:

Our details

Green Hill Solar Farm Limited (Company Number 13362769) has a registered address at: Unit 25.7 Coda Studios, 189 Munster Road, London, England, SW6 6AW.

Copper Consultancy Limited, who will be carrying out the day-to-day processing of information on behalf of the Applicant, are registered in England and Wales under registration number 03030759, and has a registered office is at: Spring Lodge, 172 Chester Road, Helsby, Cheshire WA6 0AR.

Contact us

You can contact both organisations using the following details:


Freephone: 0800 012 9882
